Sigma Wireless POC for Body-Worn Cameras

In March of this year, Sigma Wireless along with our partner Reveal Media were delighted to have being selected for the implementation of a historic Proof of Concept program to explore the potential of body-worn video technology.

On Thursday 1 August, Minister for Justice Helen McEntee and Garda Commissioner Drew Harris launched the body-worn cameras proof of concept at Henry Street Garda Station in Limerick, using Reveal K-Series cameras.

The introduction of body-worn cameras marks an important step towards enhancing the safety and accountability of both Gardaí and the public. The technology provides accurate recordings of incidents, while ensuring transparency in law enforcement activities and offering protection to all parties involved.

Paul Kinna and Brian Kearney from Sigma Wireless attended the event and are pictured below with Superintendent from Limerick Andrew Lacey and members from the An Garda Síochána Body Worn Cameras Project team.

The official press release from An Garda Síochána can be found below

Carole Lawler